Attendance Management System
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Bluelink – Smart Waste Management Solution
Challenges: Japan is known as a country that does not throw away garbage. Garbage separation is strict, and garbage collection times are fixed. However, the amount of domest...
Japanpage_Picks Application
Challenges: Sake is a traditional Japanese alcoholic beverage, first mentioned in history books some 1,300 years ago. Are there limits to how much sake can be promoted domestically...
MetaverseLand – Virtual Space
Challenges: The COVID-19 pandemic has caused millions of unemployed people, many of whom have turned to a form of earning virtual currency by playing online games. It is slowly b...
KINTONE – Business Improvement Platform
Challenges: The traditional method of filling in work content check forms by hand is time-consuming and causes service implementation and reporting to take longer than it should be...
Business Matching App
Challenge: Business matching applications need to meet the requirements of: Ensure that the information about the partners/person/companies is accurate, sufficient and relia...
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19/01 01:17 ✓