NFT Marketplace
Challenge: NFT marketplaces are platforms where NFTs can be stored, displayed, traded, or even be-ing minted (created). It’s similar to what ecom platforms like Amazon, eBay do for...
DeFi Warrior – a play2earn NFT game
Challenge: NFT game is a game where assets like characters, items, currencies… are NFT assets. It means that all assets have value, and players can buy or sell them by crypto...
Challenge: Customer who have big connection with anime publishers in Japan. They really want to build, What can BAP provide? Solution: BAP blockchain engineer built very quickly a...
VR Training App
Challenge: Almost all business have training program for new employees, but they have the following issues; High cost: Transportation and accommodation costs are required for new e...
Logistic Management
Challenge: Transport management is a very complex and difficult job. Getting to know where the goods are, where the truck is, and how the route optimizes to save operating c...
Shared Truck
Challenge: “Sharing economy” is a big keyword in recent period. There are many services that do well in this section such as Uber / Grab for private car sharing, Airbnb...
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18/01 16:16 ✓