Magento Ecommerce Platform
Challenge: E-commerce is growing bigger and bigger as lifestyles become busier and technology changes and improves, consumers are seeking new, more convenient methods to fulfil the...
Food Delivery
Challenges: Have you ever want to order the tasty food to deliver to your home from the restaurant but they don’t have a delivery service? The needs of end-users, who want to enjoy...
VR Meeting
Challenges: Connecting people is the biggest purpose of any communication tool. As the development of the internet, a lot of tools helps people to chat, voice call, or video call i...
Convert Cobol To Java
Challenges: COBOL is an old language that has existed for more than 40 years, but this is still used in many systems of business today, especially in banking and car industries. Sy...
課題: 現代人は忙しい毎日を過ごしており、ゆっくり買い物する時間さえありません。一方、ファッション小売業者はサイズ間違いや色がイメージどおりではないことが原因で、大量の返品を抱える上に売り上げの伸ばす機会を逃しています。 SMART FASHIONは、AIテクノロジーを適用して衣服を実際に試着したイメージを表示し、既にユーザーのワードローブにある衣服に合う商...
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18/01 18:08 ✓