
검색결과 : Application Software

Business Matching App
  Challenge: Business matching applications need to meet the requirements of: Ensure that the information about the partners/person/companies is...
Logistic Management
  Challenge: Transport management is a very complex and difficult job. Getting to know where the goods are, where...
Shared Truck
Challenge: “Sharing economy” is a big keyword in recent period. There are many services that do well in this...
Magento Ecommerce Platform
Challenge: E-commerce is growing bigger and bigger as lifestyles become busier and technology changes and improves, consumers are seeking...
Food Delivery
Challenges: Have you ever want to order the tasty food to deliver to your home from the restaurant but...
Smart E-learning
Challenges: Building learning contents are one of the most important factors of businesses to enhance the quality of teaching...
Dating Chat App
Challenges: In the dating app segment, if businesses want to get successful, they must create different values for users....
15s Video Edit App
Challenges: Building a commercial platform is not easy, because businesses not only have high-skilled technicians but understand customers’ needs....
Trip Conductor
Challenges: Travelling sector is developing more and more, but there are no many businesses which build successful travelling platforms...
Crypto Trading
Challenge: Our Client needs to develop a cryptocurrency exchange that requires being able to trade with crypto pairs, top10...
Lodyhelp – the expats’ buddies in Vietnam
Challenges: Developing a real estate platform is hard for business, when they cannot meet technologies to satisfy end-consumers. Because...
Challenges: Each succeeded application has its own target customers and its original concept to serve the customers’ needs. Liberzy...
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    01/04 06:10 ✓