
검색결과 : Metaverse

B2B 메타버스 플랫폼 (메타버스-서비스로서)
개요 메타버스 – 기본 아이디어를 몰입형 경험으로 변환하여 브랜드의 이야기를 독특한 수준으로 끌어올릴 수 있는 영역. 이 아이디어를 기반으로,...
Metaverse games are online games that take place in virtual worlds built on blockchain technology. As the concept of...
NFT Marketplace 
Challenge: NFT marketplaces are platforms where NFTs can be stored, displayed, traded, or even be-ing minted (created). It’s similar...
DeFi Warrior – a play2earn NFT game
Challenge: NFT game is a game where assets like characters, items, currencies… are NFT assets. It means that all...
VR Meeting
Challenges: Connecting people is the biggest purpose of any communication tool. As the development of the internet, a lot...

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    18/01 07:08 ✓