Exchange Market App
Challenges: Developing an E-commerce platform is the current trend of businesses, but to get a successful platform is different. Because businesses must make users feel that they a...
Trip Conductor
Challenges: Travelling sector is developing more and more, but there are no many businesses which build successful travelling platforms to serve this demand. Because they cannot fi...
Crypto Trading
Challenge: Our Client needs to develop a cryptocurrency exchange that requires being able to trade with crypto pairs, top10 coinmarketcap such as BTC, ETH, RIPPLE … requires ...
Lodyhelp – the expats’ buddies in Vietnam
Challenges: Developing a real estate platform is hard for business, when they cannot meet technologies to satisfy end-consumers. Because The current customers require more convenie...
Top Students
Challenges: You can not build a system or provide a service if you don’t understand the needs of the customers. But understanding is not the necessary condition, you have to provid...
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22/01 11:56 ✓