From November 08, 2018 to November 09, BAP co.,JSC (Japan corporation BAP JIL JAPAN – CEO DAO NGOC THANH) participated overseas business expo 2018 in Akihabara.
In this event, BAP Co., Ltd. introduced various blockchain development achievements, AI technology, application development, web development, which have been made up to now, and various categories.
We have made quite a nice impression from our customers, they have been made for only two years at the company and are very interested. BAP Co., JSC always creates good products using evolution technology in response to customer’s needs through events.
Especially, I started from offshore price of 250,000 yen, and I got a voice saying I want to use BAP Co., Ltd. in Vietnam offshore! Also at this event BAP Co., Ltd. participated as a sponsor! It is an image of the event below.