BCODEFEST 2024 – A Competition for Creators

The continuous development of technology has changed the way we operate in our work and daily lives. Recognizing the importance of artificial intelligence and automation, BCodeFest 2024 will be an opportunity for everyone to research and implement creative solutions that enhance work efficiency.


BCodeFest, short for BAP-Coding-Festival, is an internal programming competition organized by BAP, where BAPers can showcase their passion for coding. The new feature of BCodeFest 2024 is the combination of coding (Code) and non-coding (Non-Code) segments, broadening participation opportunities for more individuals.


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Theme: Working Optimization & Innovation Contest


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Program Timeline: 28/05 – 28/06/2024

  • Round 1 (28/05 – 11/06): Team registration and idea submission. Each approved idea receives 1,000,000 VND.
  • Round 2 (28/06): Submit demo products.


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Prize Structure: Total prizes up to 40,000,000 VND

  • First Prize: 15,000,000 VND
  • Second Prize: 5,000,000 VND
  • Third Prize: 3,000,000 VND
  • Special: Opportunity to develop the product as a Product Owner and start a business with the company.


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With the theme “Working Optimization & Innovation Contest”, BCodeFest 2024 encourages the application of AI Technology and Automation (Power Automate) to create effective solutions and breakthrough improvements in daily work.

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