Technology Trends At The End Of 2020

We are in the middle of the 4th industrial revolution, and technology is developing faster than ever. Companies and individuals that fail to keep up with technology trends will be left behind. Understanding key trends will allow people and businesses to embrace opportunities. This post will introduce some technology trends in the last 2020

5G Data

5G is the next generation of mobile communications technology after the 4G generation, operating in the 28, 38, and 60 GHz bands. According to the inventors, 5G networks will be about 100 times faster than today’s 4G, opening up many new and exciting possibilities.

5g network

The 5G network is considered the key for us to enter the Internet of Things (IoT) world, in which sensors are important elements to extract data from objects and from the environment. Billions of sensors will be integrated into home appliances, security systems, health monitors, door locks, cars and wearables. The 5G network is launched in 2020 to satisfy business and consumer needs.

In July 2020, Vingroup introduced VSmart Aris phone using Snapdragon 765 chip – the successful production of 5G.

Computer Vision

“Vision” refers to systems that can identify objects, places or people from visual images collected by cameras or sensors. This technology allows a smartphone camera to recognize the face in an image and supports technologies like Google Image Search.

However, as the use of computer vision increases in 2020, there will also be a lot of debate about how to limit the use of this technology because they affect privacy a lot.

computer vision

Extended Reality 

Extended Reality (Extended Reality) is a term for all environments that combine real and virtual, the relationships between human and virtual reality interactions created by technology from highly configurable computers and virtual reality glasses. Augmented reality includes representations such as augmented reality (AR), augmented virtual (AV), and virtual reality (VR), and their related fields.

extended reality

Extended Reality allows people to experience virtual reality with different levels of interaction, dividing augmented reality into small parts, combining reality and virtual reality to create experiences like:

With this experience, you fully immerse yourself in a 3D space and experience the feeling of being immersed in that space instead of watching on a conventional 2D screen.

Blockchain technology

2020 is the beginning of a new decade and with that, blockchain technology is more and more popular, bringing it down into the stratosphere, the tangible impact of real-world problems. 2020 is the year that sees many changes in Blockchain technology. Blockchain is an essentially digital ledger used to record transactions, but secured due to its cryptographic and decentralized nature.


Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the most transformative technological developments in our era. Most companies begin to explore how they can use AI to improve customer experience and streamline their business. In 2020, designing and implementing AI-based systems will remain a costly proposition for almost any business.


For this reason, the majority of AI applications will continue to be implemented through service platform providers, allowing users to pay only for algorithms or resources in use.

Currently, BAP Ventures has successfully implemented AI in developing Smart Fashion App. This app suggests styles for people and allows them to try on clothes online before deciding to purchase.


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