Mediotec Co.,Ltd Matsumoto Hidemori CEO
BAP had a good team to solve common issue in offshore development.
1. Why did you choose BAP?
Our main business is renewable energy, but we are trying new businesses every year without sticking to only existing ones. When we start exchange system as a new business, we asked to BAP, which always continue to research the latest technologies and apply them to various services.
2. What do you feel when work together with BAP
For businesses, when starting something new, risks and differentiation from existing services become challenges, but experienced BAP experts helped us from the idea stage. Generally, in offshore development, when explaining specifications and quality often become an issue, but BAP had a good team to solve it. For example, there are communicators who keep in touch with you about their current status, and bridge SEs helped with technical issues. Therefore, no critical fix or bug occurred. I would love to request them again.
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