BAP IT JSC Officially Becomes an AWS Advanced Technology Partner (APN) 

In a significant step forward, BAP IT JSC has been recognized as an Advanced Technology Partner of Amazon Web Services (AWS). This milestone marks a remarkable development and commitment by BAP in providing top-notch technology solutions to customers on the AWS platform. 

The Importance of Becoming an AWS Advanced Technology Partner 

AWS is one of the world’s leading cloud computing platforms, offering a wide range of powerful services and tools to help businesses deploy, manage, and scale their applications and services. To achieve the title of Advanced Technology Partner, BAP IT JSC had to meet stringent technical and business standards set by AWS, demonstrating competence and innovation in deploying AWS-based solutions. 

Benefits of Becoming an AWS Advanced Technology Partner 

  1. Credibility and Trust from Customers: Being an AWS Advanced Technology Partner helps BAP establish its position in the market, building trust and credibility with customers. This means BAP can attract more new customers and strengthen relationships with existing ones. 
  1. Access to Exclusive Resources: BAP IT JSC will have access to exclusive resources from AWS, including development tools, technical support, and in-depth training programs. This will help BAP enhance its technical capabilities and provide the best solutions for customers. 
  1. Marketing and Sales Support: AWS offers strong marketing and sales support for Advanced Technology Partners, giving BAP more opportunities to promote its solutions and expand its market. 

BAP’s Commitment to Customers 

Becoming an AWS Advanced Technology Partner is not just a title; it is a commitment by BAP IT JSC to continuously improve and provide top-tier technology solutions to customers. BAP IT JSC will continue to invest in research and development to deliver the most optimized products and services on the AWS platform. 

BAP’s Future in the Technology Journey 

BAP is committed to fully leveraging the opportunities and resources from becoming an AWS Advanced Technology Partner to drive development and innovation. We believe that with close cooperation with AWS, BAP will continue to achieve success and deliver added value to customers. 


Becoming an AWS Advanced Technology Partner is a clear testament to BAP’s capabilities and commitment to providing advanced technology solutions. We are proud of this achievement and look forward to continuing our journey with AWS, bringing breakthrough solutions and sustainable success to customers. 

If you are interested in BAP’s solutions or want to learn more about our partnership with AWS, please feel free to contact us. BAP IT JSC is always ready to accompany and support you on your technology conquest. 


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