Convert Cobol To Java



COBOL is an old language that has existed for more than 40 years, but this is still used in many systems of business today, especially in banking and car industries.

Systems have been formed since the 2000s in older platforms such as the Cosminexus server, using EUR – export files in PDF, TP1 (Batch & Job).

In addition, the problem of integrated platforms is no longer supported and operational, leading to difficult maintenance. This is also the reason why many businesses have a need to enhance the system, convert the current system from COBOL to JAVA 11.


COBOL is a structured language, so converting to JAVA can use the tool. But when converting to JAVA, all of the systems and current Middleware also need to enhance to ensure the system that works. Therefore, BAP suggests some solutions for businesses:

Convert COBOL to JAVA

  • For COBOL files to write business logic: Using the tool to convert source from COBOL to JAVA. When using such a tool will ensure the complicated logic converted with a high accuracy rate. After converting the system is to do the test and adjust. Testing and adjusting will spend time and money more compared to creating a new one. But the converted JAVA source code is quite difficult to read and it requires an experienced team to maintain the system.
  • For COBOL Web files: Converting HTML is impossible, so the solution is to use the Layout design file, tool to create HTML, and the necessary classes in JAVA like Bean, Validator,…

The Cosminexus sever and Middleware: Along with the converting COBOL, the current platforms are also upgraded the following:

  • Cosminexus: Converting to Centos 7 (the newest version), Tomcat (Jboss,…)
  • EUR: Converting to SVF
  • TP1: Converting to Ansible Tower

In addition, converting COBOL either requires businesses that have a skilled technical support team to enhance the high success rate. BAP is one of the partners who help businesses converting COBOL to JAVA successfully, and support them to build various successful platforms with technologies including AI, Blockchain, Big Data, SAP,… We are available to help businesses from the first stage to the output products.