Service Overview

With 20+ engineers, our AI team offers comprehensive consulting and development services. We specialize in Data Science, Deep Learning, and Machine Learning. Our expertise extends to BPO data labeling for enhanced accuracy and cost efficiency. Proficient in Java, Python, Lisp, Prolog, we excel in auto-training and re-training models, with a track record of building projects from the ground up.

AI Service

  • Text Recognition
    Our technology seamlessly identifies text, images, and sounds using pre-defined data. We prioritize efficiency by employing OCR technology only when other methods encounter difficulty in reading specific text types, ensuring swift and accurate text processing.
  • Image Proccesing
    We use live camera feeds and advanced image processing, extracting customer parameters like age and gender. Employing open-source libraries (OpenCV, VXL) and machine learning frameworks (TensorFlow, PyTorch), we enhance accuracy with deep learning neural networks, including GANs and DNNs.
  • Natural Language Processing
    At BAP, our technical research focuses on the dynamic interaction between computers and humans. We specialize in using chatbots to extract valuable data, adeptly analyzing user hobbies and opinions from diverse sources, including blogs and social media platforms.
  • Voice Recognition
    We specialize in a cutting-edge technique for processing natural language through sounds. Our expertise lies in voice recognition and summarization, enabling computers to comprehend human commands and seamlessly transform text data into spoken voices.
  • Traing-cost optimization
    At BAP, we ensure secure personal information handling and leverage AI for cost-effective scaling on Kubernetes systems.



Overview Sharingan is a Smart System with core technology is facial identification by Artificial Intelligence. The system provides 2 main services: Automatic Attendance Automatic Surveillance Demo Automatic Attendance Fast Accurate identification Easily deploy and leverage enterprise infrastructure Can time attendance many people at the...


Image Captioning

Problem: Image Captioning Given an image, our goal is to generate a caption. Input: Image Output: Caption for image Solution For this problem, we use will use InceptionV3 (which is pre-trained on Imagenet) to classify each image. We will extract features from the last...


Human Semantic Segmentation

Overview for Semantic Segmentation For segmentation, demonstrates the steps to use the DeepLab model to perform semantic segmentation on a sample input image. Expected outputs are semantic labels overlayed on the sample image, such as some of examples including. Atrous Spatial Pyramid Pooling (1/2)...


Auto Scoring App with YoloV5

Auto Scoring Input of this App is an answer sheet which have tic & toe in the answer boxes. This will be processed with Image Processing and Objects Detection with Yolov5. Beside of that, it also Detect Student Code and Examination Code on the...


Spaced Repetition

Problem: Spaced Repetition Recommend vocabulary and vocabulary repetition intervals for each user. Input: Vocabulary, User’s info Output: Spaced repetition schedule In this problem,we need personalization. Solution: For this problem, we use the Leitner system and Half-life Regression (HLR) for spaced repetition...


Learning Ranking for Horse Racing Prediction

1st Problem: Data Table and Processing The pre-processing in data table including Missing data Categorical data Numerical data => How can we solve it when data is missed? Solution for 1st Problem: There are a huge number of encoding method. However, what is the...