The growth of AI app development makes many businesses that want to build it to get more benefits and enhance customers experience. But they really don’t know how to start? In this article, BAP will help business to answer the basic things to what businesses need to prepare, and the cost of AI app development.
1. What kind of AI app development?

What is AI app development? – Source: Becoming Human
For AI app development, you can create various apps that include functions:
- Automatically character recognition
- Face recognition
- Background sound recognition
- Behavior recognition
For example, many AI apps have been created in Medicine like Standford university that researched and tested AI algorithms to detect skin cancer, which performs as a human-like level.
Furthermore, Danish – a AI-based software development company that tries the deep learning program by letting the computer eavesdrops when people make emergency calls. The AI algorithm analyzes contents:
- Speakers
- Voices
- Background sounds
- Detect cardiac arrest
This got a 93% successful rate, and which got higher than 73% done by humans.
2. What needs of Artificial Intelligence App development (AI App development) in reality

Artificial Intelligence App development process – Source: Devteam.Space
2.1. Data collection
This phase, you must collect kinds of data from various sources that you want to develop with such as number, color, gender, text survey,… and more.
And when you want to apply the data for AI app development and machine learning solutions, you must consider whether or not the data is suitable with business’s problems.
Data collection is very important as your business can analyze the past phenomena, from that business is forming the models that use machine learning in order to prepare for the future changes.
Furthermore, when data collection reaches a good level, you can develop the great models as real. Some standards for data collection:
- No error at all
- The data must relate to our problems
2.2. Pre-process data
Next, this phase also plays the main role for AI app development, because you can remove, and revise the error, or unrelated data.
For instance, when collecting data, you don’t know what is the exact data to develop face recognition in AI, or the data collection is so less so that machine learning can work. This is the reason why the preprocessing data phase should be applied.
The step for preprocessing data that you should know:
- Raw data at the beginning:
These phase recommends the source form that is not prepared for machine learning. Which is usually in a data lake or in a data warehouse (kind of data is analyzed after processing from first data). Note that the data from the streaming system that is used to build the predictive model of machine learning that is also called raw data.
- Prepared data for machine learning:
The data in this phase serves for machine learning phase, which means that all data is treated, and take it into a tabular form.
- Feature engineering:
This is set for adjusting features according to the expected model. That means you will conduct some specific machine learning operations in the ready data record on the pillars, and generating the latest features for the developed model within practice, and forecast.
2.3. Machine learning

Machine learning process – Source: Slideshare
In this phase, business should train the data from the previous step, and the training model must be transferred in order to generate the model that can work well with the specific tasks.
There are some metrics that you need to consider :
- Training accuracy
- Validation accuracy
- Training Loss
- Validation Loss
And some tools can use to compare and illustrate the training metrics such as:
- Matplotlib
- Tensorboard
2.4. Deloy for Application
This is the final phase in AI app development, and you must ensure that the machine learning algorithm can be used in reality. Therefore, you must apply it as web applications, and Python programs are usually used in order to develop AI apps.
In addition, the process of AI app development should add the evaluation phase so as to estimate model performance during the manufacturing environment, because the evaluation process will test whether or not the model is working, and suitable for the initial target.
3. AI app development cost
On the market, AI app development is rising, and the cost will be a part that all businesses pay attention most.
In this part, we will tell you about the average fee on the market for AI app development at present. To be honest, the fee of developing AI app will be up to business’s requirements like:
- Function
- Size
- Add-on high-tech
And even more functions that your business wants to build. The cost will be from $30,000 to $100,000 to the experienced companies.
This is the basic things of AI app development that business should consider. Not only do businesses need to have an experienced engineering team, but do they need a trustworthy partner to collaborate with.
BAP is confident that we can be a good partner when it comes to AI app development for businesses. We have a great team of technicians who are willing to help businesses from the requirements to the output team with the highest performance. Let’s contact us if you have any demand.