Python developer – Details and Career Opportunities for Gen Z in the digital era

Python continues to have an impact on the lives of its users. Python tools are already available in many of your favorite apps, such as Spotify and Netflix. This demonstrates the relevance of the Python programming language and the work of Python developers.

The following content wants to provide readers with the most interesting and focused information surrounding how to become a Python developer. The article shares the essential skills, job roles, responsibilities of a Python developer, average Python developer salary, and all the questions that keep popping up in your mind.

1/ What is Python?

Python Developer

Python Developer’s role (Source: Finoit)

Many programmers prefer Python, a high-level, object-oriented, interpreted language, because of its simple syntax that prioritizes readability. In fact, Python has embedded mathematics and a syntax akin to that of the English language. Furthermore, Python is a cross-platform, open-source language that works with a wide range of hardware.

Python is easier to learn than other programming languages since its operations may be carried out with more straightforward instructions. And this might help to explain why IT businesses, developers, and students alike are finding it so appealing.

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Programmers also value Python’s other features, which include brackets, the ability to specify the scope of loops, functions, and classes, and the use of new lines to finish commands.

One may argue that Python is adored for its exceptional superiority in addition to its ability to significantly boost productivity. Python software debugging is very easy since erroneous input or errors do not result in segmentation faults.

2/What is the Python developer?

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Python Developer and its importance in the business (Source: ZipRecruiter)

Python is extensively utilized in a variety of fields, including software engineering and web development. However, a devoted Python developer must have a strong understanding of the language and be skilled in its application. Python developers are frequently expected to work closely with data collectors and analysts to generate helpful answers and insights.

Python developers work on the backend of a program. However, with the emergence of machine learning and data analytics, Python developers’ work has expanded beyond code creation and debugging. They also work on apps that link to third-party web services and assist front-end development teams in utilizing their capabilities on the front end.

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Python is presently utilized for web development, machine learning, artificial intelligence, scientific computing, and academic research. Because of this supremacy, Python’s popularity has grown in the data science community, which is brimming with breakthrough ideas in artificial intelligence and machine learning. Furthermore, real-world businesses such as education, healthcare, and finance are leveraging machine learning technologies to revolutionize their operations.

3/What skills do Python developers need?

Skill Python Developer

What is needed to complete a Python Developer’s tasks well (Source: Data Flair)

While the precise tasks of this position may differ, the author has listed some of the fundamental abilities somebody should have to become a Python Developer:

  • Python skills

Of course, a Python developer must be fluent in Python. To get employers’ attention, you must exceed your colleagues in data science, web development, or other industries. Aside from that, Python developers must understand object-oriented programming, fundamental Python syntax, semantics, primitive data types, and arithmetic operations.


  • Python library

A library is a collection of code that may be utilized by a developer while building an application. It avoids the difficulty of working on fundamental code structures that must be created from scratch. Consider that the library’s code density may be used to develop applications, data visualization, machine learning, data science, and other projects.

Your duty is to become adept in the many codes accessible, study them thoroughly, and apply them efficiently. Furthermore, using the library’s large number of projects, you may communicate with the Python community to assist tasks be accomplished more quickly.

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  • Python Framework

Every developer believes that while learning a programming language, they must understand every single component of that language. That is undeniably true, yet in Python, developers do not need to understand all the frameworks.

Python has numerous sophisticated frameworks, including Flask, CherryPy, Django, and more. As a result, each employer and firms will have distinct needs based on their own criteria, allowing you to choose the frameworks that are most often used and popular among major companies.


  • ORM library

To put it simply, ORM is a Python library feature that enables Python developers to modify stored databases using the Python language. To become a skilled Python programmer, you must have a fundamental grasp of the ORM library, which makes work more efficient and quicker.

4/What is the income of a Python developer?

According to several employment portals and platforms, the remuneration for this occupation varies greatly. Python developers make an average yearly income of $80,000 to $125,000. Your compensation as a Python developer may be influenced by where you reside, who you work for, and your degree of experience.

Salary of a Python developer

Factors affecting the income of Python Developers (Source: FITA Academy)

To have a stable income as well as set the stage for a career development path, developers need to understand that the following factors play a significant role:

  • Education:

Completing more specialized education programs might help you earn more as a Python developer.

  • Certification:

Earning a certification is a terrific strategy to enhance your earning potential in the area as well as highlight your capabilities to companies. For example: PCEP: Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer; PCAP: Certified Associate in Python Programming,..

  • Experience:

Another element that influences your compensation as a Python developer is your amount of experience.

  • Skills:

Python developer pay varies depending on the skill sets of various applicants.

  • Location:

Where you live and work might also impact how much you are paid. Cities with a greater cost of living will generally provide better pay.

  • Company and Position:

Even within an industry, the business you work for will affect your compensation. In addition, Python Developers are comparable to other programming and development professions, the more essential the position, the greater the salary.

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5/ 10 questions that Python programmers need to prepare for the interview

Below are 10 questions that candidates can refer to to best prepare for their interview with the employer.

    1. Explain the difference between list and tuple in Python? When should you use tuples instead of lists?
    2. Let’s describe the types of variables in Python and explain the concept of variable scope.
    3. Explain the concept of decorators in Python and provide an example of how to use decorators.
    4. How to handle exceptions in Python? Can you provide an example?
    5. Explain the difference between the __init__ and __new__ methods in a Python class.
    6. Does Python support object-oriented programming? If yes, can you explain the basic concepts of object-oriented programming (OOP) in Python?
    7. Explain the difference between deep copy and shallow copy in Python. When should each type be used?
    8. How to optimize Python code for better performance? Can you provide some techniques or examples?
    9. Describe how to manage libraries and packages in Python. How to install and update a package?
    10. Explain the concept of lambda in Python and provide an example of how to use a lambda function.

6. Conclusion

In short, Python is a language that has the potential to break the rule of dominance in terms of the number of programming languages. Therefore, career development opportunities for python developers seem brighter and are even more appreciated in importance. The article in general also provides preliminary information necessary for readers and if you are interested in learning related fields, you can completely find it on our platform.