What does the future of Blockchain look like? 5 predictions about upcoming trends

What is Blockchain? Many people know it as a technology that underpins Bitcoin. But blockchain won’t just stop at Bitcoin or cryptocurrencies. This technology is expected to be applied more widely in many areas of life. So what does the future of blockchain look like? What will its trend look like? Let us decipher it through the following article.

I. Overview of the future of blockchain

In Professor Klaus Schwab’s book “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”, the keyword blockchain is mentioned as the future engineering technology of mankind. There is no denying the great potential of blockchain because countless statements about the future of this technology have been made.

According to a forecast by research firm Gartner, by 2026 the business value added by blockchain will increase to over $360 billion. Then, by 2030, that will increase to more than $3.1 trillion.

With current and future trends, blockchain is predicted to make a big revolution in the coming decades.

What is the future of blockchain?

What is the future of blockchain? – Image: eubusinessnews.com

II. Predictions about upcoming trends

In which areas will blockchain trends be applied to better serve people’s lives? Definitely can not ignore the following 5 areas:

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1. Cybersecurity

An ongoing challenge for businesses today is data tampering. Thus, cybersecurity is one of the most promising areas of projected growth for blockchain. Blockchain technology can be used to prevent tampering, secure data, and allow users to verify the authenticity of files.

2. Government

Governments can start implementing distributed ledger technology (DLT) systems to replace traditional paper-based systems.

Blockchain technology is applied to the government

Blockchain technology is applied to the government – Image: dinardirham.com

In addition, voting in elections using blockchain technology can be easier, faster, and more secure. Blockchain provides an immutable record of votes to prevent problems of fraud or forgery. It will also help protect voter identities and even support remote voting.

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3. Finance – Banking

In 2021, El Salvador was one of the first countries to accept Bitcoin as a legal tender. Due to global inflation and rising costs of money transfers between financial intermediaries. Many researchers think that developing countries are likely to accept cryptocurrencies soon.

The future of blockchain in banking

The future of blockchain in banking – Image: datafloq.com

In addition, another promising area for blockchain development trends is national cryptocurrencies. It can work in conjunction with existing traditional currencies. This currency helps users to make transactions without depending on any third parties. It also allows central banks to control the circulating supply.

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4. Medical

Blockchain can be used to develop applications to manage patient data, control drug supply, automate medical examination and treatment transactions, and more.

In particular, concerns about the production and distribution of counterfeit vaccines have been resolved. Because blockchain will be an effective tool to verify the authenticity of vaccine shipments and track vaccine distribution. IBM is one of the pioneers when it comes to leveraging blockchain to develop a vaccine delivery system.

Blockchain in the medical field

Blockchain in the medical field – Image: blocktac.com

5. Marketing

Blockchain will be a useful technology in this area. Because it can monitor and measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, minimizing cases of advertising fraud. Blockchain technology helps in automatic censorship, removing virtual accounts, and verifying advertising engagement. In addition, it can help collect data on customer behavior and psychology.

According to John Zanni, President of the Acronis Foundation: “We believe that blockchain technology will have many transformations in the technology and IT sectors in the coming years, similar to what the internet did to the world in the 90s and the early 2000s”. Thus, blockchain will be increasingly improved in the field of technology and applied more deeply in a variety of fields and industries.

Hope the above article helps you get an overview of the future of blockchain. Although there are still challenges, we have full faith in the potential future of this technology.