
At BAP, we always learn, update and share offshoring knowledge as well as innovative technology.

Understanding about Salesforce Campaign Features
Salesforce Campaign is an interesting feature that supports business so much in various activities including Marketing and Sales for...
What is SAP S/4HANA? Benefits of SAP exploit before 2027
Data analysis is an important process in today’s business management process and SAP S/4HANA is one of the supporting...


What Can The E-Learning System Helps Educational Businesses?
According to Forbes, the E-learning market is going to increase much to $275.10 billion in the year 2022, but...
What is Lean Startup? Success stories
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Onshore and Offshore: Which is the best choice for business? 
Onshore and Offshore are not new terms in the business world. However, many people are still confused about choosing...
How does an offshore company help you in coronavirus time?
While coronavirus is still breaking out in many Asian countries, it not only threatens human’s health but also the...
Offshore development unit price, market benchmark and more
Offshore development unit price is the first key factor in budget. In practice, the total budget is not a...
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What is Web 3.0? Explore the new era of the Internet 
The Web world has seen great change over the past three decades. A lot has happened since the early...
What are smart contracts on the blockchain? How does it work?
Over the past decade, blockchain technology has become the subject of much research because of its decentralized, consensus, distributed,...
10 outstanding Salesforce features that every business needs
Salesforce is the leading name when it comes to customer relationship management solutions. Each CRM software has its characteristics....
What is ChatGPT? Find out about new technology trends 
According to MarketsandMarkets research, the global chatbot market is expected to reach 10.5 billion USD by 2026. Especially, with...
0x 【DEX プロトコル】
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タイムスタンプ 【Timestamp】
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    04/05 05:18 ✓